Nine craft brewers in five cities teamed up on November 4 for a night devoted to good beer and good causes. With 14 venues participating—in Beijing, Kunming, Shanghai, Tianjin and Wuhu—it was the most wide-ranging Maovember event so far.
Each venue donated rmb10 or more per beer sold to Maovember, with some doing activities that ranged from beer pong to trivia to draws. The event, known as Super Beers for Books, or perhaps more appropriately MaovemBEER, included Boxing Cat from Shanghai, WE Brewery from Tianjin, Shangri-La from Yunnan, Myth Monkey from Wuhu, and Arrow Factory, Dirty Duck Pub, Great Leap, Panda and Slow Boat from Beijing.
Most members of this year’s Maovember Steering Group were visiting the Beijing venues that night, grabbing beers like Panda Too Naive pale ale, Dirty Duck stout, Slow Boat raspberry pale ale, Great Leap cinnamon rock ale and Arrow Factory Back in Black stout. Meanwhile, customers and staff from all over China posted photos on social media.
This event raised rmb27,379 for charity from beers and games, including (in alphabetical order) from Arrow Factory (rmb1,829), Boxing Cat (3 venues: rmb8,100), WE Brewery (2 venues: rmb3,500), Shangri-La (rmb1,040) Myth Monkey (rmb80), Dirty Duck Pub (rmb2,000), Great Leap (3 venues: rmb5,000) Panda (rmb1,630) and Slow Boat (rmb4,280). That translates to a whopping 273,790 mao for Maovember and its 2016 partners Library Project and Good Works! Thanks to all of the venues and customers who supported this effort!
And check out these collages, one with photos from venues all over China and one from our pub crawl.
Maovember focuses on quirky events for good causes. Our 2022 partner is Library Project, which has furnished thousands of reading rooms in rural schools. Learn more about Maovember here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.