Recap | WE Brewery kicks off Maovember 2021 in Tianjin


Maovember 2021 officially kicked off in Tianjin as WE Brewery hosted its annual corn toss tournament on Saturday. This year’s tournament saw every team play each other in a round robin, with the top four going to the playoffs.

The final was a tight affair as Team Trey tossed its way to a 21-19 victory over BTAC, which had been undefeated to that point. The tournament raised rmb4500 in entry fees, with Team Trey donating its rmb2222 prize to Maovember.

Teams French Touch and Aviation tied for the “best dressed” award and also donated their rmb2222 in total prize money.

Even more money was raised via a contest to see which team drank and ate their way to the biggest bar tab. Team Wellington took that crown, with its rmb1680 tab for WE IPA, Pilsener and Kolsch, not to mention burgers and chili nachos, going to Maovember.

This year’s event included a raffle, with prizes from Tianjin United Family Hospital, including health checkups and dental cleaning, as well as from ZSA Beauty Hall, Turka Gourmet House, Jooma, Fish & Potato, Pizza Bianca and Smoki & Co.

Add rmb1430 in raffle ticket sales, a corporate donation of rmb2222 and a private donation of rmb500, and the WE Brewery total for this year’s corn toss tournament reached a whopping rmb14,776 – 147,760 mao!

Thanks to everyone who made this year’s party possible. And to Steve Wang of WE Brewery for his relentless support of Maovember and to private donor Y.O. Ming for providing assistance.

Maovember focuses on quirky events for good causes. Our 2022 partner is Library Project, which has furnished thousands of reading rooms in rural schools. Learn more about Maovember here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.