Maovember the Tenth!


This year’s Maovember, our tenth annual campaign, started last weekend with an event–the Dog Pub Crawl–that captures our spirit of fun and fundraising.

Maovember started as a spur-of-the-moment fundraiser and evolved into a yearly ritual with a shifting and eccentric lineup of events, from beer pong, corn toss and poker tournaments to live music, dance and wine tasting parties to walk-a-thons and bar crawls featuring themes such as wine, craft beer and BYOD–Bring Your Own Dog.

The focus is on giving 100 percent of revenue to a good cause, with admin costs covered by volunteers. And to good causes that can show visible results that we, in turn, can show to our donors. That has meant everything from funding a delivery van for a bakery that employs people with osteogenesis to funding cataract surgeries for the elderly in rural area to funding reading rooms for schools in need across China.

This year’s tenth-anniversary Maovember logo is gold and silver. The design was fine-tuned by Andres Vargas, with Claudia Masueger of CHEERS printing it for our stickers and Jasmine Kho of Kakikopi and Mulu funding several giant versions. Thanks to them and to the many others out there who have helped Maovember to help good causes.

Maovember focuses on quirky events for good causes. Our 2022 partner is Library Project, which has furnished thousands of reading rooms in rural schools. Learn more about Maovember here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.