As a new Maovember campaign gets underway, here is an update on our 2021 efforts to support The Library Project.
One challenge each year is finding a mix of projects to match the funds we raised. Nichole He of The Library Project created a plan that aptly did this. We focused on schools in the Baoding area of Hebei province, just a few hours’ drive from Beijing, and ultimately decided on three projects.

Lantian School
Maovember funded 10 reading corners
for 元34,510.00 or 元3,451 each
Lantian is in Yi County, with a population of 550,000 people, and is the largest of the three schools, with 1,469 students. Last year, we had enough money to fund 12 reading corners for students in grades 3 and 4. This year, we added 10 more reading corners, this time for students in grades 1 and 2.

Fugang Central Primary School
Maovember funded a reading room for 元39,506.01
This school serves eight villages with a total population of 6,000. We funded eight reading corners at Fugang in 2019. As a shift in local education strategy saw some students and books move to another school, we upgraded to include a reading room with books, tables, chairs, shelves, a globe and more.

Liang Gezhuang School
Maovember funded six reading corners
for 元20,706.00 or 元3,451 each
This school, for students from grades 3 to 9, covers 15 villages and has a strong need for books covering grades 3 through 6. That will be the focus, including a set of STEAM (science technology, engineering and math) materials.

Overall, we had modest expectations for Maovember 2021 given the ongoing COVID situation, but easily surpassed them, with the highest donations per event in our history. All while keeping to our tradition of stressing the fun in fundraiser with quirky events–see the full list here.
Maovember is quite decentralized and depends on goodwill and generosity, in terms of time, creativity and donations, from many people. Thanks to all who supported us in 2021 and fingers crossed for our this year, our tenth campaign!
Maovember focuses on quirky events for good causes. Our 2022 partner is Library Project, which has furnished thousands of reading rooms in rural schools. Learn more about Maovember here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.